3rd Grade Math Curriculum Map

Click the links below to see the 3rd Grade Math Map with the Aligned CCSS Standards

3rd Grade Math Curriculum Map - with CCSS (Doc)

3rd Grade Math Curriculum Map - with CCSS (PDF)

Unit 1 – Properties of Multiplication and Division

1-1 Multiplication as “Equal Groups of”
1-2 Multiplication Using Array Model
1-3 The Meaning of Factors
1-4 Division as an Unknown Factor: The Size of the Group
1-5 Division as an Unknown Factor: The Number of Groups
1-6 Multiplication Using Units of 2 and 3
1-6a The Commutativity of Multiplication
1-6b Adding and Subtracting Equal Groups in Array Models
1-6c Model the Distributive Property with Arrays
1-7 Division Using Units of 2 and 3
1-7a Model Division as an Unknown Factor
1-7b Quotient as the Number of Groups or the Number of Objects in Each Group Using Units of 2
1-7b Quotient as the Number of Groups or the Number of Objects in Each Group Using Units of 3
1-8 Multiplication and Division Using Units of 4
1-8a Skip Counting to Multiply Units of 4
1-8b Model Commutative Property of Multiplication with Arrays and Tape Diagrams
1-9 Decomposing Units Using the Distributive Property
1-10 Problem Soling Using Units of 2-5, and 10

Unit 2 – Place Value, Measure of Time, Weight and Liquid Volume

2-1 Skip Counting By Five to Tell Time
2-2 Tell Time to the Nearest Minute On the Clock
2-3 Solve Problems Involving Time Intervals By Counting Backward and Forward
2-4 Solve Problems Involving Time Intervals by Adding and Subtracting on a Number Line
2-5 Measuring Weight  in Metric Units
2-6 Measureing Liquid Volume in Metric Units
2-7 Solve Problems Involcing Weight, and Liquid Volume in Metric Units
2-8 Round Two- and Three-digit Numbers to the Nearest Ten
2-9 Round Numbers to the Nearest Hundred
2-10 Add Two- and Three-digit Measurement Using the Standard Algorithm
2-10a Add Measurements to Compose Larger Units Once
2-10b Add Measurements to Compose Larger Units Twice
2-10c Estimating Sums by Rounding
2-11 Subtracting Two- and Three-digit Measurement Using the Standard Algorithm
2-11a Decompose Once to Subtract Measurements
2-11b Decompose Twice to Subtract Measurements
2-11c Estimating Differences by Rounding

Unit 3 – Multiplication and Division of with Units 0, 1, 6-9, and Multiples of 10

3-1 Finding Known Facts of 6, 7, 8, and 9 by Commutativity
3-2 Relating Multiplication Facts Using the Commutative and Distributive Property
3-3 Multiply and Divide Using a Letter to Represent the Unknown
3-4 Multiplication and Division Using Units of 6 and 7
3-4a Multiply and Counting Units of 6 and Divide Using Number Bonds
3-4b Multiply and Counting Units of 7 and Divide Using Number Bonds
3-4c Multiply and Counting Units of 6 and 7 Using the Distributive Property
3-4d Solve Problems Using Units of 6 and 7
3-5 Multiplication and Division Using Units of 8
3-5a The Role of Parentheses
3-5b Multiply Using the Associative Property
3-5c Multiply and DIvide Using the Distributive Property
3-5d Solve Problems Using Units up to 8
3-6 Multiplication and Division of the Units of 9
3-6a Multiply Using Arithmetic Patterns
3-6b Solve Problems Using Units of 9
3-7 The Arithmetic Patterns in Multiplication and Division
3-8 The Multiplication Table
3-9 Solve Two-Step Word Problems Involving the Four Operations
3-10 Multiply by Multiples of 10
3-11 Solve Two-Step Word Problems in Multiplying Single-Digit Numbers by Multiples of 10

Unit 4 – Multiplication and Area

4-1 Compare Areas by Decomposing and Recomposing Shapes
4-2 Measure Area by Tiling with Unit Squares
4-3 The Relationship of Side Lengths with the umber of Tiles on a Side
4-4 Tiling with Unit Squares to Form a Rectangle
4-5 The Are of a Rectangle Given an Incomplete Array
4-6 Finding the Area of a Rectangle Using Multiplication
4-7 Finding the Total Area of a Larger Rectangle
4-8 Finding the Possible Whole Number Side Lengths of a Rectangle
4-9 Solve Problems Involving Area
4-10 Finding Areas by Decomposing or Completing Composite Figures

Unit 5 – Unit Fractions and One Whole

5-1 Naming and Counting Unit Fractions Using Concrete Models
5-2 Naming and Counting Unit Fractions Using Area Models
5-3 Identify Fractional Parts of a Whole
5-4 Identify Unit Fractions Numerically
5-5 Non-Unit Fractions Less than One Whole
5-6 Shaded and Non-Shaded Parts of One Whole as Fractions
5-7 Fractions Greater than One Whole
5-8 Comparing Unit Fractions
5-9 Place Fractions on a Number Line
5-10 Compare Fractions and Whole Numbers on a Number Line
5-11 Equivalent Fractions
5-12 Comparing Fractions with the Same Numerator Visually
5-13 Comparing Fractions with the Same Numerator Using <, >, and =

Unit 6 – Categorical and Measurement Data

6-1 Creating and Organizing Categorial Data
6-2 Draw Tape Diagrams to Represent Data
6-3 Creating Bar Graphs
6-4 Solve Problems Involving Graphs
6-5 Creating a Ruler with 1 Inch, 1/2 Inch, and 1/4 Inch Intervals
6-6 Represent Measurement Data Using Line Plots
6-7 Data Analysis to Solve Problems

Unit 7– Two-Dimensional Figures, Perimeter, and Area

7-1 Classify and Compare Quadrilaterals
7-2 Classify and Compare Polygons
7-3 Understand Perimeter by Decomposing Quadrilaterals
7-4 Measure Side Lengths to Determine the Perimeter of Polygons
7-5 Determind the Perimeter of Regular Polygons and Rectangles
7-6 Find the Perimeter of Rectangles Given the Number of Unit Squares
7-7 Find the Area of Rectangles Given the Perimeter
7-8 Solve Word Problems Involving Perimeter and Area

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