

Cyndee Morgan




This is my 10th year teach high school math in Georgia. I have taught every level in high school, making through 3 curriculum changes along the way. This year I am teaching Algebra 1 but in 2 different structures:

I have 2 sections of Algebra 1 (on-level) which are single period, 50 minutes per day classes. These are designed for students who either scored proficient on their 8th grade Milestone exam or scored Developing but have Lexile Scores above 1000.

My other prep is Algebra 1 with Support which is a double-blocked class. Meaning students are with me for 2 continuous class periods (which also means 2 lesson plans per day, 2 gradebooks, etc.). Students in the course either scored Developing and have a Lexile between 800 - 1000 or they are 2nd year high school students who were not eligible to take Algebra 1 last year because they scored Beginning Learning on the Milestone Exam or were Developing with a Lexile below 800.  Students earn Algebra 1 math credit and an elective credit for the Support class period. This can be a tricky class to plan for because they are expected to fully realize the same curriculum as the Algebra 1 (on-level) group so you have to plan how to support them in the Support class very carefully.

Cyndee Morgan

Profile picture of Cyndee Morgan


Active 6 years, 5 months ago