

Fran Litchfield


I teach middle school math (6th, 7th, and 8th grades) and Algebra 1 in a parochial school in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois.  This my third year teaching middle school math.  I've taught in grades 3-5 for 31 years, retired eight years ago, did long-term substitute teaching, and finally landed where I am now.

My schedule is unique because I am only supposed to be a part-time teacher.  Our schedule is based on 40 minute periods, but there are some days when a grade level will have a double period.  Due to the unusual circumstances caused by the pandemic, I'm not quite sure how the middle school schedule will be set up.

We have long tables which could seat 3 students comfortably.  With the new guidelines, I will only seat 2 students at a table and separate the tables as much as possible.  My class size is small (8-15) because the administration and I have divided each class in half so distancing will not be a problem.

I'm looking forward to a great year!

Fran Litchfield

Profile picture of Fran Litchfield


Active 10 months, 1 week ago