

Holly Parker




I am an adult educator at Kennedy King Community College, one of the six City Colleges of Chicago.  I have been in this role going on 10 years.  I teach mathematics and language arts integrated with social studies or science courses at 3 levels: Level 3 (4.0 to 6.0), Level 4 (6.0 to 8.9) and Level 5 (9.0 to 11).  At our college, a course is 96 hours that can vary in length. A course can be 8, 12 or 16 weeks which determines how often that class meets a week. I think block scheduling or some form of it describes how we meet. A new addition to our in-person classes is an online work session where students must complete online assignments.  Presently, I am teaching two level 4 courses, a language art/science and a Level 4 math intensive for students whose foundation is too spotty to move to the GED level and be successful with the algebra 2. Next week I will pick-up a 4-week course that focusing on either computer skills or writing, areas our students need intense work in.

Holly Parker

Profile picture of Holly Parker


Active 10 months, 2 weeks ago