

Megan Almada




I am a Learning Specialist who works at a school where we teach children with Language Base Learning Disabilities. I am the Middle School Math Teacher, so I teach students who are either below or at grade level. It is my goal to provide the necessary supports for remediation or help student learn the best accommodations for them to be successful in middle school math, plus have appropriate tools to use in high school years.

I have been working with this population for 17 years, this is my 8th year specifically teaching math. As with most schools in California, we are currently remote teaching. I teach 5 different math classes, based on ability with the hopes of hitting most of the middle school standards by the time students graduate in 8th grade.

I am anticipating a year of mixed abilities and specific challenges not being able to teach face to face. Looking forward to what this support has to offer! 🙂

Megan Almada

Profile picture of Megan Almada


Active 3 years, 9 months ago