





Head of Mathematics, (Head of Department), Golden Gate American School(Sept 2018 - Present)

Algebra & Calculus Teacher(Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1), Golden Gate American School(Apr 2018 - Present)

High School Physics Teacher(Applied Physics), Golden Gate American School(Apr 2018 - Present)

Golden Gate American School (GGAS) is an elite, private, international school located in the Capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. GGASoffers a United States Common Core State Standard Curriculum, awarding diplomas through the American School of Correspondence, accredited and validated by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools/Commissions in Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS); Accreditation International (Ai); the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA); and GGAS is recognised by the state of Illinois as a non-public High School.

After attending one of the best private schools in the UK and graduating magna cum laude, I was accepted into one of the top Medical Schools in Britain. Coming from a family of Doctors (my father, my uncle, their father, his brother, his other brother, my cousins...), it was not until I had arrived at University did I realise I had made my life choices not for me, but for others.

I withdrew from Medical School in 2011 and have since been applying Mathematics in the UK in both the Debt Management Industry, and the Property Finance Industry.

Tiring of the monotony of working in a corporate cubicle, I hopped on a plane to spread as much knowledge, and as much of my enthusiasm for learning as possible, and became a Math Teacher.

Best job in the world. 🙂



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Active 5 years, 9 months ago