

Libby Serkies




Hi Everyone! My name is Libby Serkies and I live and teach in Las Vegas, NV!

I have been teaching math since 1988 (with a couple of years of to work in schools as a social service provider and some time in administration). For 5 years prior to moving to Vegas in August of 2016, I had been working in the state of Illinois as a professional development provider teaching math teachers how to integrate the CCSS and CCRS standards into their classrooms. I loved doing that, but the state of Illinois had been without a budget for 2 years, and PD took a hit. During that time, I was also approached to write a book about teaching math to adult learners so that was thrilling! I am proud to say the book was published in the spring of 2016! One thing I learned during the research and writing of that book is that I really, really missed teaching students. So with the shape of things in the state of IL, my family and I decided to head west!

I was recruited to teach high school here, but am making the jump to middle school for the first time ever! I am super excited to be working in my new school which emphasizes growth mindset and writing in every classroom, along with a PBL approach to math. I am teaching in a high-achieving middle school so even though I will be teaching 7th grade, the students will be studying Algebra 1. I will be seeing my students everyday with a regular (non-block) schedule. I was used to first period at the high school I taught at starting at 7am, but now I will get to sleep in a little bit with the first class starting at 9:10am. I was told during my interview it is "expected" that I will sell my prep, and I may also have some opportunities to teach a zero hour course, or do some PD for my new peers as well, so I am excited about those new opportunities!

I moved my classroom materials from my old school to my new at the end of the year but couldn't decorate or set anything up yet because all the classrooms were getting makeovers during the summer. I can't wait to get in and get things ready for my students! I will definitely be looking at everyone's cover pics to get inspiration! I have to be honest - I didn't do a lot of decorating in my former classroom because what I put up, the kids eventually tore down til I stopped putting anything up. 🙁

I am so excited to have joined this community - and am looking forward to meeting other teachers who are just as excited about teaching math as I am!

Libby Serkies

Profile picture of Libby Serkies


Active 5 years, 1 month ago