

Lynnette Durant


Hello. I currently teach 9th grade Algebra 1 in Tulsa, OK.  My school is ALL freshmen.  My average class size this year was 36.  Can you relate?    I've been teaching for about 8 years.  My background is actually in Corporate America and I loved it, but after 2 lay-offs because the company I was working for sold and 1 lay-off because all of the positions for my department were sent over-seas, I was tired of lay-offs.  My youngest was in 9th grade and said I should be a substitute teacher.  I did that for a few years then decided that I spent so much time at the school that I might as well teach full time.  So I became alternatively certified in math and business.  However, my 1st year of certified teaching was as an emergency certified Special Services Science Teacher.  I taught biology and physical science to 10th - 12th graders.  I actually wanted to teach business but next got hired as a 9th/10th grade Algebra teacher and have been teaching Algebra ever since.

Lynnette Durant

Profile picture of Lynnette Durant


Active 4 years, 5 months ago