

Sherri Boisselle




Hello! This year I will be teaching 7th grade math in Bucks County, Pa. I will have 3 Honors classes with about 30 students in each. In my honors class I will be teaching all 7th grade and all 8th grade Common Core Standards in one year. I will have 2 academic classes with about 20 in each. I will be teaching all 7th grade Common Core Standards in one year. My classes will be 45 minutes every day (which seems like no time at all!). This will be my first year teaching math at the middle school level and my 3rd year teaching. Before this job, I taught 5th grade math and I was an elementary math specialist for a maternity leave. This will be my 3rd year teaching, but only 2nd year teaching for the entire year in my own classroom. Thanks for reading! I can't wait to use the resources and collaborate 🙂

Sherri Boisselle

Profile picture of Sherri Boisselle


Active 3 years, 6 months ago